Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A bit about Asher

This post is all about Asher. Asher was born in Oklahoma but moved to Colorado when he was about a year old and has lived in Colorado since. Asher is number 4 of 10 boys, talk about a lot of noise and chaos. Family gatherings involve a lot of people, more noise, and a lot of fun.

Growing up Asher could usually be found outside riding on his bicycle. He enjoyed making jumps and finding obstacles to test his skills on his bike. His adventurous activities have left him with many scars and stories behind them. While his adventurous side has been tamed quite a bit, Asher still loves to ride. He finds joy in driving to the mountains and trail riding whenever he can.

Growing up with so many brothers, Asher has many stories to tell of the shenanigans he and his brothers got into. There are stories of outside games of hide and seek that left him with scrapes and scratches from his mothers bushes, or left his mothers flowers trampled. There are also the stories of the many injuries he and his brothers were left with from playing too hard.

Asher and his family traveled to Oklahoma at least once a year to visit the family still remaining there. He has fond memories of his time in Oklahoma visiting his grandparents and aunts and uncles. We have decided to make a trip out to Oklahoma once a year so we can make our own memories visiting Asher's grandparents and aunts and uncles. We look forward to our trips out there every year. We will be going next week for our annual trip and are so excited to go. This year we get to go for a celebration in honor of his grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. This is especially exciting because nearly all of the family will be there, giving us an opportunity to see some of Asher's family that I have not yet met and Asher has not seen for many years.

Asher now enjoys four wheeling, recreational shooting, biking, searching for ways to improve his car, watching movies with his "wifey" and anything else that allows him to spend time with me (his "wifey"). Movies are an especially favorite past time for us. We have quite a large movie collection, including the Disney/Pixar collection, many Disney movies, all of the Star Wars, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, and Lord of the Rings movies, and many more.

There is so much more to know about Asher, but this is a start. I have to add that he is a great husband who works hard to provide for us, and plays hard to keep his sanity. Asher loves to have a good time when his work is done. I can't wait to see him as a father, I have no doubt he will be a great father.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I just noticed my last post was a lot like this, but I feel like I can't emphasize it enough.

I am so grateful for so many incredible people in my life. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. Sometimes I feel like I don't say it enough so I was them all to know how important they are to me. I'm so grateful to be a part of a wonderful ward family at church. Not a Sunday goes by that someone doesn't ask how the adoption process is going and they encourage us and tell us how excited they are for us. I am so grateful for so much love and support.

I am also grateful for my ability to help my family (in-laws). I am grateful for the time I have to share with my sister(-in-law) and nephew and niece. My nephew has been undergoing radiation for the past 5 weeks and as a result has been in the hopsital for pain management. I have been able to spend one night a week at the Children's Hospital with them for the past 2 weeks to help with the needs of my niece and nephew so my sister can focus on whichever needs her most at that moment. I will be going again this week. I feel grateful that my current situation allows for me to spend time there and help them. I have also been able to provide cheap daycare for one of my other sisters(-in-law) a few days a week. Again, I am grateful that my situation allows me to help so she doesn't have to worry about finding a place for her children to go while she is at work. The kids my get bored at my house but they are safe and looked after, which I hope provides peace of mind for her. I am happy to do what I can and hope enjoy the practice it gives me.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Soooo grateful....

for the love and support of family and friends. My (Rachel) grandfather passed away last week and yesterday (Sunday) my family had a viewing followed by a get together at my aunts house. I had the opportunity to share our news that we have been approved for adoption and the excitement and encouragement that came from them was indescribable. They are all so excited for us and cannot wait to hear the news when we are placed with a sweet, miraculous spirit.

While we were at my aunts house we had the opportunity to look through my grandparents old photo albums and I learned so much about my paternal family. I got to see old pictures of my grandma and her sisters from the 1940's. It was such a neat thing since all but my grandma's youngest sister have passed away. I also got to see pictures of my dad and his siblings (he has 9), from their childhoods. I love my family and their history.

Since my oldest aunt recently had surgery and is unable to travel currently, we will have a memorial service in a month or two when she has recovered some. I look forward to being all together with my extended family again, and can't wait to hear more stories of my grandparents and the memories my dad, aunts and uncles have to share from their childhood.

I look forward to the days I can share all I learn about my family with my own children. They will know what wonderful people their great-grandparents are. They will know how excited their family is to have them in their lives. Our birth family will feel of our love and the love of our families as well. They will be thought of always, and spoken of often.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Check out...

...our spotlight on the Colorado Families Supporting Adoption Blog!!!!!
We LOVE FSA!!! Such a wonderful organization supporting all involved with adoption.

About Us

Asher and I met during the summer of 2005 after being introduced by our friend, Amber, who was engaged to Asher's brother. We dated all summer, spending every free minute together, and were engaged by August. We were married on March 18, 2006. Over the past 4 years we have learned a lot about each other and about who we are together. When we first got married we decided we wanted to wait a year before trying to have children. Two years after we were married we discovered we were one of many couples facing infertility. Now four years later we have embraced our infertility and are excited to persue adoption. Having 4 years of marriage without children wasn't our plan, but it has allowed us to grow together as a couple and has prepared us to parent any precious miracles we are blessed with through adoption.

New Blog Address

Okay, so due to some confusion on my part, my old blogs were accidentally deleted. As a result I am starting one new blog instead of having one blog for our daily happenings and one devoted strictly to our adoption efforts. It is better in the end because our adoption efforts are a major part of our daily happenings. So bear with me as I build this again.